We see children from all ages and offer complete pediatric ear, nose, and throat care for your child.
Balloon Sinuplasty
The newest procedure to treat sinus disease.  Our group leads Southeastern North Carolina in this minimally invasive innovative treatment for chronic sinus disease in children.
                  Click here for more information
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Allergy therapy
We offer Tailored care for your child with simple allergy blood testing and under the tongue allergy therapy to avoid painful allergy injections.

Hearing evaluation
Our knowledgable doctors of audiology offer comprehensive hearing evaluations for all ages.
Ear tubes
Placement of ear tubes is a quick procedure done at the hospital for relief of your child’s ear infections and hearing loss.

Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
Now an outpatient surgery to relieve snoring and sleep apnea from enlarged tonsils as well as multiple throat infections.

We also treat a wide variety of conditions such as neck masses, nose fractures, nose bleeds and breathing disorders.